Impact Gamers

inspiring makers

Code-a-game Guide

Meet and code & PEARS, have provided funding for us to produce a FREE TO YOU booklet to take a 7-15yr old through the process of making a game.
(current version v1.4)

Code-a-game Guide


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You can download a PDF or request free copies for your class / group (P&P may apply)


Request Free Booklets for your Class/School

Below is video help for completing the booklet and working with Clickteam Fusion.

Intro pg1-2, Genre pg3-4, Aim/Environment pg5-6, Overview pg7, Artwork pg8-12, Level Design pg13-14, Properties pg15, Events pg16, Player Movement pg17, Test/Debug pg18, EM Events pg19, ADD ARTWORK, CHANGE LEVEL LAYOUT, Score/Lives pg22, Special Event,Difficulty pg22-23, Power ups pg23, Screens pg24, Sounds pg25, Extra Artwork pg25, Final Testing pg26, Publishing pg26, Resources pg26,