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Notes from session 1 (5/11/2020)
Session 1 – 5/11/20
Group 8
Researcher: Lili, Topic : Cancer treatment
Ambassadors: Meg, Ellis and Deepika
Impact Games: TJ
Type of game: a mix between pac-man and snake (but mainly pac-man)
Start with 3 lives
Gain extra lives through power ups
Dodge cancer cells
Kill cancer cells with medicine – medicine is collected during the game
The main character is an antibody
You don’t want to kill normal cells (they will look slightly different to cancer cells) – killing normal cells knocks off lives
Set in the human body
Difficulty steps up as you move up through the body (cancer cells get harder to detect)
The end point could be getting to the lungs
Notes from session 2 (12/11/2020)