Play your latest version of the game here, (If an old version loads press SHIFT and refresh)
Notes from session 1 (5/11/2020)
Group 9 template Idea:
- The base theme to have something like a platform template (like Mario).
- The main player (P1) is someone like a miniature character who has to destroy the cancer cells in the game.
- P1 should be able to collect guns (antibodies) with which we can destroy the enemies.
- The main enemy (E1) is big boss whom can be killed with collecting some number of guns or some power ups.
- Start with 3 lives.
- Arrow keys to move around for P1
- The platform should be something with human inner body to move on.
- We should be able to move some parts of the platform to make P1 move/run to the end to face boss.
- Music should start with soothing one to a heavy music as we approach boss.
- There should be some small enemies on the way to approach big bass.
- Acids in the body can kill the player if touched.
Notes by Deepika Velusamy
Date : November 5, 2020
Notes from session 2 (19/11/2020)
Students – Ruby, Jess, Eleri, Lily, Elwen
Game – Platform
Definitely platform
Movement with arrow keys
Shooting – you use different ammo for other enemies
Number of bad guys (not including boss) – ¾
Only certain enemies can be defeated using the right colour ammo
Scoring system:
Collectables, each collectable increases the score by 10
Defeating enemies gives score – different point values for coins and enemy kills
Enemies take varied number of hits to be destroyed
Homework Assignments:
Artwork – Lily (character design), Eleri (background design)
Sound Effects – Ruby (background music), Elwen (movement sound), Jess (bullet sound), Callum(bad guy defeated sound)
Session 3 notes
Ambassadors: Meg, Ellis and Deepika
Discussing rules for winning/losing, losing points.
Group is happy with the game so far.
Artwork and sound effects have been sent to TJ.
There will be a 1 minute timer on the final boss.
Collect different ammo to take down boss.
Mouse click for chain fire.
Different coloured ammo for different coloured parts of the boss.