Impact Gamers

inspiring makers

Level Up!

Our main feature in the “Life is what you make of it” series.

Piloted in October 2021. We partnered with fantastic City Fibre to bring this project into being to empower young people in life and digital skills.

Teaching game making while bringing tools and language to help young people build language and confidence in expressing emotional wellbeing.

Designed to be delivered weekly over 6 weeks to a class of KS2 students

The purpose of this short course is to introduce pupils to understanding and expressing their emotions more confidently whilst developing their computational thinking, developing their digital literacy and use their creativity to build a game in a team.


Covering 50% of the KS2 ICT curriculum

Key stage 2 Pupils should be taught to:

design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts 

use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output

use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs 

Get your class/group to make a game on a topic of your choice

Choose a topic that fits other work you group are undertaking, or allow them free choice.

Award winning mentoring support

Impact gamers are 2018 BAFTA Young Games Designer Mentor winner.

“LEVEL UP!” is designed to help students vocalise emotional need and use game language to aid new ways of them expressing their wellbeing.

It’s not about the games made, but the lives changed.

Details and contact

Delivered on your site, we can provide laptops, or the school can use their own.

For questions or to book just contact us