Welcome to the Harvest Assembly from Impact Gamers, aimed at primary ages 5-11yrs.
The assembly just runs from a webpage on your computer, ideally you’ll need:
- A good internet connection
- A screen everyone can see
- Loud enough speakers
- A mouse/track pad/touch screen
They can be used 1 of 2 ways
- A normal video
- A interactive show, where people can volunteer *best option*
Shortcuts (if needed): SPACE=Pause PAGE UP=Previous screen PAGE DOWN=Next screen HOME=Restart END=End screen F11 = Fullscreen
Themes: Harvest, thankfulness, marvel, sharing
Thought: What are we growing in our lives? Song Used: “Creator God” Nick & Becky Drake
Runtime: 12-16 minutes (Depending on game play)

For more information about what impact gamers offer, click here