Impact Gamers

inspiring makers

Category: News

Aromatic Authors

This is an exciting project with published poet Matt Abbott where young people can get a poem/short story published in a local library. NEXT FREE EVENT 4th MAY City Library – SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR MORE DATES COOK UP A TASTY TALE Click here to upload your story or create some art for others ALWAYS BEING UPDATED SO ANY…

Experiment 19 – A game about battling Covid symptoms

STORY The planet “Cornoa” had a testing site on it. The project was called “Experiment 19” and the results were disastrous. Now infected with a polluted atmosphere, you have to go and clean up the aggressive mutant viruses that now exist there. Stay focused, Stay armed but most importantly always Stay safe. Play the game online (some levels may run…

Schools Grants – British Science Week 2023

Complete the process by Monday 7th November 2022! If you are community group click here British Science Week are giving out grants of up to £300 (Kick Start Grant) to get your school to engage with science at a special event you put on during British Science Week 10-29 March 2023. We’re here to help Bradford/Halifax/Leeds/Wakefield primary schools book in some…

Wakefield-Game Making

Click here to fill in an expression of interest The aim is to provide young people with easy to access advice and strategies to help them manage any symptoms they may be experiencing still such as fatigue, easily getting breathless, problems with sleep, aching joints or feeling fed up/anxious going back to school/college. We will run the course with a…

Level Up! Life changing – Game making

Our main feature in the “Life is what you make of it” series. Piloted in October 2021. We partnered with fantastic City Fibre to bring this project into being to empower young people in life and digital skills. Teaching game making while bringing tools and language to help young people build language and confidence in expressing emotional wellbeing. Designed to…

Bradford the Game – for Bradford 2025 bid

Click the link to play In early 2021 we were awarded funding to make a game about a future Bradford as designed by local youth 11-18yrs olds. We ran 4 phases; PHASE 1: Gather ideas, we had over 180 young people answer over 1125 questions in our interactive survey.PHASE 2: We gave out over 500 character design sheets and…

Games making with Girl Guides for Cardiff Science Festival

In September 2020 Impact Gamers ran “Impact Games” a project to work with Girlguiding Cymru and Cardiff University for Cardiff Science Festival 2021. We remotely trained up university students in games making. We then supported these students to run workshops with Girlguide groups in South Wales. Their task was to make a game based off some current research happening by…